Mental Health Counselors in Decorah, Iowa
When you need a helping hand and listening ear, New Directions Counseling Service will be there for you. Our experienced psychologists provide unique mental health services based on your needs. Visit our Decorah office for behavioral health intervention, couples therapy, and more.
Behavioral Health Intervention
Are you having trouble making friends? Do you want to improve your social skills? Our psychologists may be able to help. Schedule behavioral health intervention with us to improve your social and communication skills, conflict resolution skills, and interpersonal relationships.
Group & Couples Therapies
Some experiences are better reflected upon with a group of peers that have gone through a similar encounter. Our group therapy sessions include substance abuse remediation therapy and couples counseling.
Individual Mental Health Therapy
Our mental health counselors care about your well-being. When you need one-on-one counseling, count on our psychologists for a therapy program tailored to your needs. We go a step further by treating the root cause of your pain, not just the symptoms